
How to help your child recover after your divorce
Child Custody

How to help your child recover after your divorce

Parents are often reluctant to file for divorce. Even when they know their marriages aren’t working, many worry how the divorce might affect their kids. But is that a good reason to stay in a bad marriage? The truth is that divorce can be hard on kids.

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Who gets the kids?
Child Custody

Who gets the kids?

Divorce means the end of your marriage. It shouldn’t mean the end of your role as a parent. You want to preserve as much of your time with your children as possible. To make important decisions . .

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How can a QDRO help secure your future?
Property Division

How can a QDRO help secure your future?

Worrying about your financial future is a natural feeling as you head into divorce. It’s been said that nobody “wins” when the final property judgment is handed down. While marital property division over assets such as real estate and investments are always a concern, if . . .

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Five reasons why divorce mediation is a bad idea

Five reasons why divorce mediation is a bad idea

If you do any amount of research for your divorce, you are likely to stumble across the idea of mediation. And everyone who wants you to pursue mediation will praise its advantages. It offers you more creativity! More control! It can save money! Given what you know of your marriage, you may wonder: Is this all too good to be true? In many cases . . .

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Managing Emotions in a Divorce

Managing Emotions in a Divorce

Divorce can be difficult for Michigan couples, and it can be even more difficult when it becomes acrimonious. However, there are ways to keep the divorce process civil even when emotions and conflicts are high. One key is choosing the appropriate time and place to express those emotions. Above all . . .

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The Rules for Ending a Marriage

The rules for ending a marriage

Generally speaking, couples in Michigan and throughout the country have the right to end their marriages. However, state law may impose a set of requirements upon those who want to get a divorce. For instance . . .

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Surrender - What does this really mean?
Divorce Diaries

Surrender – What does this really mean?

Surrender, to me, meant to give in, to be weak. You surrender when you’ve exhausted all your options and you’ve failed; game over. To surrender meant that the other person, the one you’re fighting against, won the battle. Frankly speaking, losing was not an option for me.

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Call Me Oprah
Divorce Diaries

Call me Oprah

There’s something magical about receiving a gift. Perhaps it’s the gift itself, or the excitement in unwrapping the mystery, maybe even the heartfelt appreciation for the gift giver. Ending the 2014 year and celebrating the holiday season, I received one of the best gifts EVER! This gift is one that continues to give each and every day that I use it, and it’s free!

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Who Gets the House
Property Division

Who gets the house?

Property accumulated during a marriage, “marital property”,  is equitably divided in a divorce, which includes the equity in the marital home.  Who gets to keep the house if both parties want it? That’s a different story. Often times, one party wants to keep the house to minimize all that changes in the children’s lives . . .

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