Understanding property division in Michigan

When a couple decides to divorce, they need to address how to divide their property and their debt.
What are my options when it comes to the family home?

The way that your marital assets are divided in your divorce can set the stage for your financial wellbeing for years, perhaps even decades, to come. With that in mind . . .
How are pensions divided in a divorce?

There are many different types of assets that couples acquire during a marriage. These assets can include homes, vehicles, bank accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts and other types of assets. If the couple divorces . . .
What a QDRO establishes during divorce

As Michigan couples negotiate divorce settlements, they might include a QDRO as part of their property division. QDRO stands for qualified domestic relations order, and it establishes that a person can receive payments from . . .
How can a QDRO help secure your future?

Worrying about your financial future is a natural feeling as you head into divorce. It’s been said that nobody “wins” when the final property judgment is handed down. While marital property division over assets such as real estate and investments are always a concern, if . . .
Who gets the house?

Property accumulated during a marriage, “marital property”, is equitably divided in a divorce, which includes the equity in the marital home. Who gets to keep the house if both parties want it? That’s a different story. Often times, one party wants to keep the house to minimize all that changes in the children’s lives . . .