Divorce Diaries – I Think Those Tree Huggers Are On To Something!

Divorce Diaries - I Think Those Tree Huggers Are On To Something!

I just returned from a 10 day trip to Utah. That trip included mountains, five-hour hikes, back country bike rides, and small, old-town streets. There was no need for make-up, I didn’t wear heels, and my daily outfits consisted of workout shorts and a tank top. The cell phone reception . . .

Surrender – What does this really mean?

Surrender - What does this really mean?

Surrender, to me, meant to give in, to be weak. You surrender when you’ve exhausted all your options and you’ve failed; game over. To surrender meant that the other person, the one you’re fighting against, won the battle. Frankly speaking, losing was not an option for me.

Call me Oprah

Call Me Oprah

There’s something magical about receiving a gift. Perhaps it’s the gift itself, or the excitement in unwrapping the mystery, maybe even the heartfelt appreciation for the gift giver. Ending the 2014 year and celebrating the holiday season, I received one of the best gifts EVER! This gift is one that continues to give each and every day that I use it, and it’s free!