Getting Through Work While Getting Through a Divorce

Michigan employees who are going through a divorce are likely to find it difficult to focus on work. Divorce takes up a fair amount of emotional energy and time, especially for couples who own multiple assets whose marital property value needs to be assessed and divided equitably. It is natural . . .
Understanding property division in Michigan

When a couple decides to divorce, they need to address how to divide their property and their debt.
What are my options when it comes to the family home?

The way that your marital assets are divided in your divorce can set the stage for your financial wellbeing for years, perhaps even decades, to come. With that in mind . . .
Three steps to take before filing for divorce

When a couple in Michigan is in a rocky marriage, it may only be a matter of time before one or both spouses seek a divorce. If you believe divorce is on the horizon . . .
What happens to the family pet in a divorce?

Most families consider their pet as a cherished family member. But pets are still classified and divided as property, like a piece of furniture, in a Michigan divorce. Couples have options . . .
It seems we are in the midst of a divorce tsunami

For many, marriage is hard. But, during the ongoing health crisis, marriages are being strained, and unfortunately, this has led to a divorce tsunami across the globe, including the U.S.
Common catalysts for divorce fall into certain categories

For Michigan residents who are experiencing marital difficulties or have reached the point in their relationship where it cannot be saved, it is important to know how to proceed with a divorce. Still, many people are thinking about . . .
The potential downsides of divorce litigation

If possible, you may want to strive to settle your divorce outside of court. This is because a trial can take up to a year or more to resolve, and a Michigan judge may not . . .
How to talk about divorce with a child

Parents in Michigan who are preparing for a divorce know that separation is not easy on children. Children are likely to have questions about the divorce, and they may be resistant to splitting their time between two households. Parents should . . .
Divorce can affect job performance

When someone is going through a divorce, the stress of the divorce overtakes nearly every aspect of their lives. They may have some difficulty with their Michigan employer because their job performance is one thing that can suffer. An employee needs . . .