
How can I protect my kids after domestic violence?

How can I protect my kids after domestic violence

Many parents in the Detroit area get out of difficult relationship precisely because their partner is abusive either toward them or toward the children. For this reason, these parents are willing to fight hard to . . .

What a QDRO establishes during divorce

What a QDRO establishes during divorce

As Michigan couples negotiate divorce settlements, they might include a QDRO as part of their property division. QDRO stands for qualified domestic relations order, and it establishes that a person can receive payments from . . .

Prenuptial agreements are not always enforceable

Prenuptial agreements are not always enforceable

The equitable distribution laws in Michigan require marital estates to be divided fairly in divorce cases, but couples who plan ahead can avoid contentious property division negotiations or unpredictable court rulings by entering into prenuptial agreements. These documents, which are . . .